Main webcam page

20051023: Updated decoding algorithm for 'unknown' codes.
20041130: Initial version.


This page is about improving Linux support for webcams containing a SN9C101 camera controller, specifically the compression algorithm used for images sent by this chip.

Frame format

(this is largely a table-ised version of the information found in the macam webcam package)
Each frame starts with a frame header, followed by the actual frame image data. The frame header looks like this:

val comment
00 FF Frame synchronisation pattern
01 FF
02 00
03 C4
04 C4
05 96 Unknown
06 00
07 xx bits looks look this: xx00.yzzw, where xx is a frame counter, y = unknown, zz = size indicator (00=VGA, 01=SIF, 10=QSIF), w = compresssion enabled
08 xx brightness sum inside auto-exposure window (byte 0x08 is LSB, byte 0x09 is MSB). For a pure white image, this number will be equal to 500 times the area of the specified AE window. For images that are not pure white, the value scales down according to relative whiteness.
09 xx
0A xx brightness sum outside auto-exposure window (byte 0x0A is LSB, byte 0x0B is MSB). For a pure white image, this number will be equal to 125 times the area outside of the specified AE window. For images that are not pure white, the value scales down according to relative whiteness.
0B xx


When used with windows, the webcam sends compressed images over the USB.


Current guess at the compression algorithm:
The algorithm purely describes the conversion from sonix compressed Bayer code to uncompressed Bayer. Additional steps are required to converts this to a color image (i.e. a bayer2rgb algorithm).

So far, the following huffman codes have been found: This algorithm seems to work quite well, except for some images with high contrast. In those images, decoding errors can still be seen, which look like bright points with a hazy 'tail' on the bottom-right side. These high-contrast images also contain some of the unknown 110001xx codes.


Source code that demonstrates decompression for the SN9C101 camera controller chip:
(not up-to-date with latest algorithm) Raw and compressed images: